Females with X-Linked Muscle Disorders: an underestimated patient population
What did we learn from new treatments in SMA? A narrative review
Pharmacological therapy of non-dystrophic myotonias
Management of Pompe disease alongside and beyond ERT: a narrative review
Treatabolome for finely targeting muscle pathology in LGMD
Deciphering Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy in the clinical trials era: where are we now?
The TRIM32 geno-phenotype spectrum: a Literature Review and 25-year clinical follow-up of two brothers living with sarcotubular myopathy
Focal myositis: a literature review of clinical and immunopathological aspects
Transition and management of patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: a narrative review based on Italian experts’ opinion and real-world experience
Enhancing respiratory function in neuromuscular disease: the role of non-invasive ventilation. A narrative review
Assessment of the quality of life in patients with LGMD. The case of transportinopathy
Long-read sequencing improves diagnostic rate in neuromuscular disorders
Fibromyalgia interventions, obstacles and prospects: narrative review